If you get the below error message when trying to send email from your iPhone or iPad: Secure Connection Failed The certificate for..."Secure Connection Failed" error when sending email from iPhone or iPad
No, DKIM is not supported on our shared hosting platform. However, you can set up an SPF record for your domain name which will allow mail...Can I send emails using DKIM?
These components are available, but do require Therefore you must be using a Windows hosting package to take advantage of them - they...Can I use ASP Components such as CDONTS, ADONTS, CDO and others on my package?
Yes, just ask your SMTP server provider for connection details. Some ISPs may only allow you to use their own servers. If you do use another...Can I use my own SMTP server?
Yes, our outgoing mail server is called: mail.'' Where '' is the domain you have set up a mailbox on. To use it...Do you have an SMTP (outgoing mail) server I can use?
At present, this feature is not available.Does Hosted Exchange support shared folders?
Webmail 50 emails per day. PC Software (such as Outlook) 500 messages per hour and 100 recipients per message. Mailing List This can be...Email Sending Limits
There is a generator on website which will create SPF records for you....How can I add SPF records to my domain name?
You can change your mailbox password either through the eXtend control panel, in the Mailboxes section there, or by clicking the "Change...How can I change my mailbox password?
To view, add, amend or remove email addresses from your distribution lists simply log into your cPanel Control Panel, select Email...How can I see email addresses on my email distribution list?
iCal supports per-account calendar sync for multiple calendars. To add an account:- - Click iCal > Preferences > Accounts > + - Enter...How can I sync my Webmail calendar to iCal on my Apple Mac with CalDAV?
To setup Websync with Outlook, you must first download the Websync Plugin which you can find a link to in Webmail Help > Outlook Websync....How can I sync my Webmail calendar to Microsoft Outlook using CalDAV through WebSync?
Sunbird supports calendar sync on a per-calendar basis, rather than a per-account basis. In order to sync a calendar, click File > Subscribe...How can I sync my Webmail calendar to Mozilla Sunbird with CalDAV?
The Android operating system does not support CalDAV sync using the built-in Calendar application, however a number of third-party applications...How can I sync my Webmail calendar to my Android smartphone with CalDAV?
To sync your Webmail calendars with an iOS device (eg iPhone, iPad):- - Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account >...How can I sync my Webmail calendar to my iPad or iPhone with CalDAV?
This can be done from the OWA which you can access by clicking on the email address in question from the Exchange Mailboxes page. Click on...How do I change the display name for my Exchange mailbox?
1) Login to your Hideout2) Services > My Services3) press "View Details" button on the website you wish to setup the email on.4) click...How do I create a mail box?
Junk mail filters use special technology to strip out junk mail before you receive it. This feature also allows you set an address to send the...How do I handle SPAM/UCE/UBE?
Sending mail as HTML What is HTML e-mail? HTML is the stuff dreams are made of. If you're a website developer, anyway. HTML stands for...How do I send e-mails in HTML format?
Setting up a mailbox in Thunderbird can normally be done using the automatic detection system that Thunderbird uses to find your details. This...How Do I set up a mailbox in Thunderbird?
You can setup your iPhone or iPad to receive mail from one of your Exchange mailboxes by following these instructions. Please note that this...How do I set up an Exchange mailbox on an iPhone or iPad?
You can setup your iPhone or iPad to receive mail from one of your mailboxes as follows: Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add...How do I set up POP3/IMAP email on an iPhone or iPad?
To setup a mailbox using IMAP within Mac Mail on OS X please follow the instructions below. Note that this applies to standard and premium...How do I setup Mac Mail to access my mailbox?
You can setup your exchange mailbox on a Windows phone by following these instuctions. Please note that these for exchange mailboxes only and...How do I setup my exchange mailbox on Windows phone (Windows 7)
The mailing list facility can be accessed from the cPanel Control Panel, and is a great way to send large amounts of mail at once, for instance...How do I use the Mailing List facility on my hosting package?
When an email is received the mail server goes through a series of checks to determine what should happen with the email. The following steps...How do mailboxes, forwarders and catch-all forwarders interact?
If you have an individual forwarding and a mailbox for the same address they will both work as expected and you will receive the email in that...How do the email forwarding and mailboxes options interact?
This article only applies for mailboxes setup as IMAP mailboxes on your iPhone or iPad. If you are unsure how to setup your mailbox on your...How to sync your Sent, Draft and Deleted items IMAP folders on your iPhone or iPad
Yes, attachments sent via Webmail are limited to 2Mb - if you wish to send larger attachments, you should connect to the mailbox with a mail...Is there a limit on attachement sizes when sending via Webmail?
There is a limit of 30MB for attachments for emails sent to your mailbox, should attachments larger than this be sent to your mailbox the...Is there a size limit for email sent to my account?
If you find you are unable to send email from your iPhone or iPad, it may be because your provider is blocking connections on port 25. To...Unable to send email from iPhone or iPad
Use the address book to store your friends, contacts or important addresses. You can reference back to addresses in the future, and compose...WebMail - Address Book
Webmail's calendar allows you to schedule tasks and organise your time. To create a new task, drag out the times that you wish to allocate to...WebMail - Calendar
To send email via Webmail:- Log in to your account. Click New > New Email Fill in the message information: To: Type in the recipient's email...WebMail - Compose/Send Email
Use the "Settings" panel to modify the preferences of your email account. Tailor the email service to your needs, preferences include: Thread...WebMail - Modifying Settings
An MX record sets the mail server for a given domain name, directing all email to the correct location and mail server. If you have the domain...What does the MX record do?
POP (or POP3) is an early email protocol used to access mailboxes. It's very simple and remains popular despite its age, however many users are...What is a POP or POP3 box?
This feature allows your email address to automatically respond with a specific message, such as an 'Out of Office' message. If the mailbox for...What is an autoresponder?
Standard mailboxes have a capacity of 400Mb - this applies to mailboxes when accessed by POP3, IMAP4 or via Webmail. Premium mailboxes have a...What is my mailbox size?
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending email messages between servers. Most email systems that send mail over...What is SMTP?
All major email clients allow mailboxes to be accessed via either POP3 or IMAP4. These are two different protocols. On your desktop client,...What is the difference between POP3 and IMAP4 mail?
If a domain name is using our shared hosting platform and no external services then these instructions will help you create an SPF record....What SPF record is suggested for shared hosting?
Sometimes when trying to delete e-mails from webmail this will fail and the e-mails won't be deleted. If you are trying to delete old e-mails...Why am I unable to delete e-mails from webmail?
If you have setup your spam settings to change the subject of emails detected as spam to be: *** SPAM *** <original subject> and you have...Why are whitelisted email addresses appearing as spam?
This error is generally down to Outlook checking the local credential manager for the credentials to log into the Outlook account, rather than...Why do I get the message "The name cannot be matched to a name in the address list" when setting up my Exchange mailbox in Outlook?
Spam volumes can change from day to day by quite a large amount. If you're suddenly seeing an increase in the amount of spam it's highly likely...Why have we seen an increase in the amount of spam / junk email we're getting?